English 59 resultados

11 diciembre 2014

What Mexico’s President Must Do

President Enrique Peña Nieto has shown remarkable leadership in passing key reforms to reanimate the economy and further the development of Mexico.
10 noviembre 2014

Mexico’s Barbarous Tragedy

The massacre of 43 students from a teachers college in Ayotzinapa has horrified Mexico. Social indignation has reached a boiling point in protests across the country.
19 septiembre 2014

Isaiah the Prophet

Freedom and Its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty is a collection of six remarkable lectures (as edited by Henry Hardy) that Isaiah Berlin delivered on BBC Radio in the autumn of 1952.
10 septiembre 2014

Mexico’s Dubious Reforms

Many Mexican politicians are losing sleep lately pondering an enigma: How is it possible that the most important set of governmental reforms in decades has aroused so much enthusiasm abroad and yet so much rejection in Mexico?
16 agosto 2014

Anti-Semitism Stirs in Latin America

Besides its grim toll in human misery and ever more bitter divisions, the war in Gaza has awakened the sleeping monster of anti-Semitism in Europe.
10 julio 2014

Latin America’s Talent for Tolerance

Before every World Cup match in Brazil, the players lined up in front of a banner that read, “Say No to Racism.”
17 junio 2014

Meditations on the Beautiful Game

Every four years, the world offers us a respite from our personal and national problems, a month of immersion in the fantasy of vicarious, ritual confrontation known as the World Cup.
29 mayo 2014

García Márquez’s Blind Spot

The recent funeral in Mexico for Latin America’s great novelist, Gabriel García Márquez, was an astonishing display.
21 abril 2014

The April Invasion of Veracruz

The invasion had various objectives. To help remove a dictator who had seized power in a coup d’état, to channel and direct the radical groups that opposed him, to safeguard the interests of the oil companies active in the area, to forestall interference from other national powers, and to teach the citizens of an unfortunate country about the virtues of democracy. Baghdad in 2003? No. The Mexican port of Veracruz, on April 21, 1914.

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